Released: 2010
Published by: Appy Entertainment, Inc.
Platforms: iOS, Android
My Role: Co-Founder, Creative Visual Director
Appy was co-founded by: Chris Ulm, Paul O'Connor, Emmanuel Valdez, Rick Olafsson, Marc-Antoine Argenton, and myself.
Trucks and Skulls was our response to the physics-based game's popularity at the time. We decided to aim at the male market with a fun testosterone fueled supercharged experience with souped up monster trucks!
The game was successful and was featured as the iPhone and iPad Game of the Month on the Apple App Store during the Thanksgiving Week of 2010. The game has over 5.5 million downloads.
The User Interface design was focused on creating an industrial and Hot Rod attitude. It’s about Trucks destroying Skulls!
Parallel to designing a fun, high nitro fueled visual DNA, I also work closely with the Animation director, Game director, and Technical director to create modular and scaleable art pipelines and templates to create the scaleable content for the game.
Great effort was made to make a user friendly and powerful level creation tool for the iPad version of Trucks and Skulls. Players loved making custom levels and sharing them, and our own designers used this same tool to build every level in the game.