Released: Coming soon
Distributor: TBD
Development Studio: Brainzoo Studios & Oceanair Design Studios
My Role: Co-creator, Co-director, Co-writer, Production designer and Executive producer
In 1994, while we were both students at Art Center College of Design, my dear friend and creative partner Mo Davoudian and I dreamed up the first version of this property in the form of a short film called: Persepolis 2. In 2011 Mo asked me to formally join him again and finish up what we had started all those years a go.
Our talented friend Ali Donovan was our editor on the original, and today he's also Executive Producer on Nora, and with any luck we'll turn this into the kind of TV show adventure that we loved watching as kids.
At the core of our short film, is the story of two best friends, Mosef and Oggy. They share an edgy sense of humor, incessantly competitive, even at odds sometimes, but ultimately willing, with no hesitation, to sacrifice oneself for the other.
The work you see here spans a couple decades but it culminates in an adventure, with a formidable mystery at its core, an insurmountable enemy, all set against an ancient future, based on the history and artifacts of our Persian heritage.
Many talented artist at the top of their talents were responsible for helping Mo and I complete this nearly 23 year journey. We hope to share it with all of you soon.